Being at one of the largest universities in the country affords me the privileged opportunity to encounter many different writers. So far this year OSU has hosted Mark Danielewski, Linda Gregerson, Dave Eggers, Rebecca Barry, and Lore Segal. Yesterday we had the pleasure of meeting John Gallaher, who spoke in the morning about his outstanding journal The Laurel Review, and then in the afternoon about his outstanding poetry collection The Little Book of Guesses, which won the 2005 Levis Poetry Prize selected by our very own Henri Cole. He's the first person I've ever met who seems to agree with me about the overratedness of Shakespeare. If you're a writer who plans to attend the AWP conference in New York, you should read his collection then stop by our table (The Laurel Review and The Journal - for which I am the associate prose editor - are sharing one this year) and tell him how much you adore it. Tell him you like sentence fragments, dislike "projects," and then ask to see his little notebook.