To help celebrate the fact that as of today I am no longer in my twenties, I have gone to page 30 in each of the following texts and transcribed the first full sentence on that page:
"Let us follow this tension between gesture and statement in Saussure."
-Jacques Derrida, Of Grammatology
"The hope of rebirth or returning to consciousness after death, or between deaths, has always obsessed us."
-Alan Harrington, The Immortalist
"Evolution is complex and at times amusing, so much of an adventure that few of its wims or obbligatos frighten me."
-Diane Ackerman, The Natural History of the Sense
"She said "thunder" as if it were my name."
-Ben Marcus, Notable American Women
"Hello Louise."
-Jeanette Winterson, Written on the Body
"This is the way it goes with the writers: they resent you to the degree that they depend on you."
-Jay McInerney, Bright Lights, Big City
"In the spring Vollard announced a show of Gauguin and they for the first time saw some Gauguins."
-Gertrude Stein, Selected Writings of Gertrude Stein
"She did not try to calm him down."
-Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude
"It is Wednesday dawn."
-John Hawkes, The Lime Twig
"It was some kind of monster I was grappling with, not Roger, and the sheer bloody reality of it terrified me."
-Robert Coover, Gerald's Party
"A demonstration of imaginary primitive elements may be based upon the entity that is most firmly fixed in our memories: the childhood home."
-Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space
"I'll keep quiet about that: poets and visionaries would be jealous."
-Arthur Rimbaud, A Season In Hell & The Drunken Boat
"Even if it's only/skin-deep, once you derive the area, consider/how the skin goes into the ears, behind the eyes,/down the throat, that's an awful lot of beauty."
-Dean Young, Skid
"Wittgenstein was cited for bravery three times during World War I."
-David Markson, Reader's Block
"Schizos, on the other, have sharp eyes and ears."
-Deleuze & Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus