Digital creations by Lorna Freytag:


Lectures by Gilles Deleuze - translated into English
"From p. 143 of the stimulus bill, which the U.S. Congress passed yesterday: "$50,000,000, to be distributed in direct grants to fund arts projects and activities which preserve jobs in the non-profit arts sector threatened by declines in philanthropic and other support during the current economic downturn." An attempt by Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma to eliminate all arts and museum funding from the bill was defeated."
[thanks to Alex Ross]
Monsters of Oak Mountain:

(this is from the most recent issue of New Yorker, but I'm wondering if it's just a new translation of a story with a similar title in Cosmicomics? -- speaking of Cosmicomics, if you'd like to listen to Salmon Rushdie talk about that book, click here.)