Sunday, March 22, 2009

Picked up three pieces of vinyl at Everybody's Records in Cincinnati:


Thanks to Blaxploitation Jive, download the complete Sun Ra Discography for free!


Academic Earth serves as an aggregate of video lectures from the world's top scholars.


"The Copy Family"


Blake Butler


"In Ten Senses: Some Sentences About Art's Senses and Intents"


Heather McHugh


Gregory Corso & Allen Ginsberg - “Interview with William S. Burroughs” (1961)

["Corso & Ginsberg interview WSB in 1961 for Journal for the Protection of All Beings, a periodical edited by Lawrence Ferlinghetti and published by City Lights Bookstore. This is supposedly the first published interview with WSB…"]


Verso has started a blog!


"Keeping it in the family"


Claire Watkins


Gala Drop "Crystals"

Directed by Alexandre Estrela


Check out Meep Meep, where CSP is posting as Veep Meep.


Bad paintings of Barack Obama: