"The Man Who Shouted Theresa"
directed by Zach Jones
based on the short story by Italo Calvino
directed by Zach Jones
based on the short story by Italo Calvino
"I have a particular preference for what moves me, what compels me, what surprises me, what instructs and disturbs me, what expands my horizons of awareness as of sympathy."

"Part of the pure plain pleasure I derive from writing resides in my promise to myself not to take the same narratological bus twice. I can't imagine getting up each morning to compose similar sorts of stories or books or essays, day after day. Critics sometimes talk about me as a speculative-fiction or avant-pop author, but I consider myself less as a member of either of those literary clubs than I do simply as someone drawn to strange and surprising work that can take lots of different forms, but that in some way always resists the blandness of the literary mainstream--the fictive equivalent, say, of Britney Spears's music--while endeavoring to capture the complex and conflicted sense of what it means to be a human being several heartbeats into this still-new millennium."
"Hauntology is a neologism coined by Jacques Derrida in his work Specters of Marx. In it, he invokes not just the ghost of Marx and the opening of The Communist Manifesto but also the ghost of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Two passages from Shakespeare’s play are particularly significant for Derrida: “Time is out of joint” and “To be or not to be”."

"Things a Writer Must Avoid"
by Borges, Casares, and Ocampo
- Chaotic enumeration.
- Chaotic enumeration.
- Richness of vocabulary. Any word chosen as a synonym. Inversely, the mot juste. Any effort to be precise.
- Vivid descriptions. Physically rich worlds (as in Faulkner).
- Background, atmosphere, surroundings. Tropical heat, drunkenness, voices on the radio, words repeated as a refrain.
[more here, thanks to Elisa]
The Puppet Show is a new artistic project by Winkler+Noah: