I am super thrilled to announce that my novel The Complete Works of Marvin K. Mooney is now available directly from the publisher (Sator Press) at a discounted price, for a limited time.
This is a “pre-official release” sale. The “official” release date is 10/5/10.
But you can get it right now in a variety of formats: the actual book ($12, which includes shipping), the e-book for your Kindle or Nook or whatever format you have ($4), and the complete audio book – which, unlike a normal audio book where the author or some actor quietly reads the text, is a wild sound collage incorporating all kinds of location recordings, sound effects, robotic interfacing, found sounds, landscape background ambient layerings ($6).
If you are interested in reviewing it or conducting an interview, please email me!
And please feel free to spread the word widely!
To celebrate, I have five copies to give away, and here’s how I’m gonna do it:
In the spirit of our promotional videos --
-- make a video of two or more people reading page 243 of the book (pasted below), post that video on your blog/website, along with a link to Sator Press, then email me or leave a comment. The first five entries win a free signed copy. I'll keep the contest going at my personal website, until the five books have been awarded.
Page 243
Do you read upside down on the couch with your feet in the air and chocolate milk there by your side? Can you say the Czech alphabet backwards while juggling eggs over a thirty story balcony? Have you ever hotwired a car in downtown Berlin with a safety pin, a screwdriver, and a metal emory board, with the heat encroaching? Are you the sort of person who folds while holding a royal flush just to give the other person a win? Would you ever purposefully misappropriate syntax? Would you orchestrate everything down to the color of the dishtowels, teacups, and magnets? Have you ever not paid your taxes? Do you ever obsess over numbers? Ever set your alarm clock to an even number? What kind of deodorant do you wear? Is it masculine? Can you name a city in France you haven’t been? Are there places in the north of Spain that you have never seen? Have you ever planted a tree? Have you ever forgotten a friend’s birthday? Ever been caught in a lie and forgot what version of the truth you previously spilled? Have you ever raced across the countryside on a horse in complete rhythm? Ever challenged an anteater to a duel? Ever made your loved one go running? Ever parked on the wrong side of the road? When was the last time you bought a lottery ticket? Watched television? Bought clothes from a thrift store, a shopping mall, or on eBay? Would you even recognize the secret password when it mattered most? Would you leave town? Would you try to dig a tunnel to Japan?