In Bed
by Australian-born sculptor Ron Mueck
Mueck is now a London-based model maker and puppeteer, maybe best known for his work on the film Labyrinth. You can see more of his Life Casting work here, courtesy of C.S.P.
Super great news from Ohio: The Pulitzer Prize in Fiction was announced yesterday, and Lee Martin, Director of the creative writing program at OSU, was named a finalist for his novel The Bright Forever. This couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy - over the last few months he has gone out of his way to be encouraging, to make me feel like an important writer and an asset to their department. I’m really looking forward to working with him.
In local news: I returned to that drivethru I mentioned a few weeks ago. When I got to the window I saw the same fella who was there before, but this time when I asked him, "How are you today?" he said, "Thankful."