Carrie Shipers's Rescue Conditions (Winner of the 2008 Slipstream Press Poetry Chapbook Contest) is now available.
Here is the Zhoushan Ensemble of Gongs & Drums performed by the Chinese Traditional Orchestra Zhejiang at the Culture and Congress Centre Lucene of Swiss in early 2006:
In an article for The Smart Set, Morgan Meis argues that "Criticism isn’t powerful anymore."
Here is a clip of Orson Welles reading the opening of Moby Dick:
Rosanna Greenstreet recently conducted a Q&A with Žižek for The Guardian. Here are a couple of my favorite of his answers:
Q: When were you happiest?
A: A few times when I looked forward to a happy moment or remembered it - never when it was happening.
Q: What makes you depressed?
A: Seeing stupid people happy.
Q: What would be your fancy dress costume of choice?
A: A mask of myself on my face, so people would think I am not myself but someone pretending to be me.
New York based photographer Amy Stein: