Next, how about a little Captain Beefheart? What about a live performance of "I'm Gonna Boogiarize You Baby":
Earlier, we were at the library, getting audio books for an upcoming trip, and I ran across a copy of The Shaggs album Philosophy of the World. Do you own this album? I snatched it up and when we got to the car I played it for Caitlin and watched her face closely to catch her response - hearing them for the first time usually incites reaction. If you've never heard them before, you need to check them out. I'd forgotten about them for years until this afternoon. If you own it think about pulling it out and dusting it off; it's well worth a re-listen. It's certainly avant-garde.
Anyway, Caitlin asked if there was a documentary about them, since their backstory is so interesting. I went looking around the internets and came up short. I did, however, find this animated video for their song called "My Pal Foot Foot." It's directed by D. Sticker:
To close out the music stuff, here's a music video for Can's "Oh Yeah":
In literary news:

Ubuweb has posted Mary Ellen Bute’s Passages from James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake. Apparently there aren't any copies of this film available on VHS or DVD anywhere in the world. Combine the rarity factor with this description and then try not to watch it:
"A half-forgotten, half-legendary pioneer in American abstract and animated filmmaking, Mary Ellen Bute, late in her career as an artist, created this adaptation of James Joyce, her only feature. In the transformation from Joyce's polyglot prose to the necessarily concrete imagery of actors and sets, Passages discovers a truly oneiric film style, a weirdly post-New Wave rediscovery of Surrealism, and in her panoply of allusion - 1950s dance crazes, atomic weaponry, ICBMs, and television all make appearances - she finds a cinematic approximation of the novel's nearly impenetrable vertically compressed structure."
Click here to watch it.
Blue Tea posted a
A few cool sites to explore: