Ariana Page Russell earned her MFA in photography at University of Washington:
from her Artist's Statement:
"A body becomes an index of passing time. Skin reveals how bones shift, muscles loosen, freckles and wrinkles form, and bruises appear. I am interested in this as a fashion of skin, including the way a blush decorates one’s cheek, freckles form constellations on an arm, or hair creates sheen on skin’s matte surface. Skin also protects us while revealing internal emotions, offering a translucent space for adornment....I am investigating where one surface ends and another begins, the bloom of adornment, and how shifting exteriors reveal as they conceal."
New Issue!
RECONFIGURATIONS: A Journal for Poetics & Poetry / Literature & Culture
Volume Two: Process
RECONFIGURATIONS: A Journal for Poetics & Poetry / Literature & Culture
Volume Two: Process
“Violent Thoughts About Slavoj Žižek”
Simon Critchley
[at one point Critchley calls Žižek "the Slovenian Hamlet" -- good times!]
Simon Critchley
[at one point Critchley calls Žižek "the Slovenian Hamlet" -- good times!]
For optimal aural enjoyment, put on headphones to experience the cacophony of:
Performed by Regina Beck, Sharon Mattlin, Peggy De Coursey, and Hannah Weiner.
Dennis Cooper drops a ginormous post on the Oulipo.

[@ A.I.C.N.]
Tyson Grumm, like me and Jackson Pollock, is from Wyoming: