"To call the man a nihilist is something of an understatement. He outdoes even Herodotus – who instructs us in the Histories to call no man happy until he is dead – in his proclamations of the punitive (or criminal) nature of our existences. Later in his career, he would identify birth itself as the primary human tragedy: “We have lost, being born, as much as we shall lose, dying. Everything.”
The enigma called Alex Alien:

"Sing goddess, the fuming, of the fuming Christ-anger of the ancient angry, fuming demi-god Peleus, and of his son, Achilleus, and of their devastation, and of their crying, sing O goddess of their great big crocodile demi-god split-heel boohoo tears and, crying lacrimosa, sing to us in thirds & thirds & thirds, give us guns to shoot each other..."
"A cardiovasc" by Bobby Alter
Grand Prize Winner of the
Lamination Colony - This Is Not A Contest
Grand Prize Winner of the
Lamination Colony - This Is Not A Contest

Antonio Trecel Diaz is a New York based artist