Just finished Haruki Murakami's Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World; translated by Alfred Birnbaum.
Please read if you like: Surreal things, Sci-fi things, Postmodern things, things that are excellent, and/or Cognitive Theory
"I can tell Bob Dylan in an instant," she said.
"Because his harmonica's worse than Stevie Wonder?"
She laughed again. Nice to know I could still make someone laugh.
"No, I really like his voice," she said. "It's like a kid standing at the window watching the rain."
Key Words: INKling, Semiotec, Accordion, Whiskey, Dreamreading, Librarians, Unicorns, Skulls, Shadows, Information Warfare
"Ever read The Brother's Karamazov?" I asked.
"Once, a long time ago."
"Well toward the end, Aloysha is speaking to a young student named Kolya Krasotkin. And he says, Kolya, you're going to have a miserable future. But overall, you'll have a happy life."
Oregonian artist Joe Ryckebosch: