John Zorn's phenomenal Godard/Spillane (1985), which he describes:
"When a single composition contains noises, guided improvisation, written passages and a variety of genres and unnotable musical shapes, the problem of unity becomes particularly compelling. Unity in a composition means that each and every moment has a reason for being there, and that every sound can be explained within a system. Using a dramatic subject (Godard, Spillane, Duras, Duchamp, Genet) as a unifying device was a revelation. It insures that all musical moments, regardless of form or content, will be held together by relating in some way to the subject's life or work."
Available for free download here.
Graphic work from Pedro Mari:

"The purpose of art, for Hegel, is thus the creation of beautiful objects in which the true character of freedom is given sensuous expression.
The principal aim of art is not, therefore, to imitate nature, to decorate our surroundings, to prompt us to engage in moral or political action, or to shock us out of our complacency. It is to allow us to contemplate and enjoy created images of our own spiritual freedom—images that are beautiful precisely because they give expression to our freedom. Art's purpose, in other words, is to enable us to bring to mind the truth about ourselves, and so to become aware of who we truly are. Art is there not just for art's sake, but for beauty's sake, that is, for the sake of a distinctively sensuous form of human self-expression and self-understanding."
New entry in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Hegel's Aesthetics
"Story from North America"
Created by Garrett Davis and Kirsten Lepore
running time: 4 minutes 20 seconds
Created by Garrett Davis and Kirsten Lepore
running time: 4 minutes 20 seconds
Luca Dipierro was born in the Alps in Northern Italy and now lives in Brooklyn:

Visual poetry by Andrew Topel: