Entertainment mogul David Geffen recently made art history. He sold a Jackson Pollock for $140 million, which now stands as the most expensive painting ever sold. That title previously belonged to Gustav Klimt’s
Adele Bloch-Bauer I, which sold for $135 million. That’s right, the most expensive painting ever sold was done by that old boy from Wyoming who didn’t even use a paintbrush! Going back to my post from a few days ago, this illustrates another gigantic difference between Pollock and Twombly. Read more about the sale
(Above on the left is the Pollock that was sold, entitled
No. 5, 1948; on the right is Klimt's
Adele Bloch-Bauer I)

here to find out more about NASA’s declaration: “Humanity has the power to fill outer space with life.”
Volume #6 of the mysterious literary pamphlet
The Cupboard is now availible
here for free.
I leave you with the wicked Chinese photographer
Li Wei, who proudly doesn't use photoshop:
Dream-Like Love(2003)
I am on Ice(2001)


Freedegree over 25th story