With great anticipation, my girlfriend and I watched S.W.C last night.
Man, what a major letdown. We agreed that the bits with Stephen Colbert were good, but ultimately not enough to save this unfortunate mess. My advice: save your dollars.
Today I’m finalizing my selections for the 2007 OSU Press/The Journal Award in Poetry. It’s been fun reading submissions, seeing the multitude of voices represented. And although I am only one of the dozen readers responsible for shortlisting manuscripts, I have a feeling that one of mine might make it all the way. Of course, I can’t reveal the title just yet, but once the winner is announced I’ll let you know.
I recently stumbled onto this fantastic happening in Brooklyn called Dr. Sketchy's Anti Art School. This is how they explain what they do: “We comb New York to find the most beautiful burlesque dancers, the most bizarre circus freaks, and the most rippling hunks of man. Then, on the second Saturday of every month, we let you draw them for three hours." Here's a couple photos: